
A full List of Books in the Series ”Words To Elate”

Speed Bones

  People engaged in sports for different reasons, in schools sporting seasons are put into place to boost the students competitive spirits, at a higher level individuals take up sports as a professional career from which they can earn a living, there are people who spend thousands of hours at sports stadiums and tons of

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A Deer’s Diet

  A deer, and a moose are eating forage from underneath ice on a snow-capped mountains, with this simple form of food, it grows larger, stronger and fattens really fast, the bears and wolves then come in trying to prey on the deer’s young, or if possible the deer itself. Why does it have to

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Hello King James

Silly kids definitely ask silly questions, “HELLO KING JAMES,” is the name of the Sunday school Jimmy and I went to, as you know it children with their never ending curiosity can be very annoying sometimes especially with their nerdy questions. After all you can’t blame nor punish them for their ignorance, for being unreasonable

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Be Patient Please

How exactly should you feel like when you find yourself ill in an hospital or home bed, sometimes you are left alone or get overwhelmed by the large number of visitors that flow in and out of the room, should you battle it out all by yourself or should you try to forget that you

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