Business & Economics

Our today world is run by advanced commerce. From the way people bought things through barter trade in the ancient past to the high speed ecommerce platforms of today, we can honestly say that we have come a very long way. Every teen today has some knowledge of business and economics, because that’s what they do everyday without them noticing it. We are in the richest period in humanity’s history right from the emergence of our first civilizations to our modern day technologically advanced world


Why is the Scientific World Spending billions searching for life on other Planets when they could use that money to solve world problems?

Why is the Scientific World Spending billions searching for life on other Planets when they could use that money to solve world problems?

  Do you have any idea how much money is spent on space programs? Scientific explorations of other heavenly beings in the universe? It amounts to not just billions, but hundreds of billions of dollars worth of research and development a year. Humans are so fascinated about the possibility of presence of life on other

Why is the Scientific World Spending billions searching for life on other Planets when they could use that money to solve world problems? Read More »

Did Forbes Magazine unknowingly escalated Nigerian insecurity issues when they listed wealthy Nigerians on their Rich list?

Did Forbes Magazine unknowingly escalated Nigerian insecurity issues when they listed wealthy Nigerians on their Rich list?

If you are closely following the news , then you would know that recently, there has been an endless wave of kidnappings for ransom in Nigeria, the gangsters appear to have become bolder and attack more frequently than ever. What people are wondering is whether this recent behavior has something to do with the mentioning

Did Forbes Magazine unknowingly escalated Nigerian insecurity issues when they listed wealthy Nigerians on their Rich list? Read More »

The Great American Chips Nightmare

The Great American Chips Nightmare

For the last year and a half, people have been talking about a global chips shortage that is affecting manufacturing and production across many industries, what has caught everyone by surprise is that The United States of America, the most technologically advanced country in the world doesn’t have a single microchips factory. The world today

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Simple ways to deal with people playing shell games in your business

Simple ways to deal with people playing shell games in your business

Zero tolerance attitudes to fraud and creating anti-fraud culture is the narrative to embrace. However, preventions is better than cure, therefore the following should be observed and implemented in order to combat fraud. Implement internal controls Internal controls are the plans or programs implemented to safeguard your company’s assets, ensure the integrity of its accounting

Simple ways to deal with people playing shell games in your business Read More »

Some drastic changes brought about by the industrial revolution

Some drastic changes brought about by the industrial revolution

Beginning in the early 1800s, manufacturers increasingly applied the findings of pure science to their businesses, generating a new wave of industrial growth. Electricity, a tremendous new source of power, was developed and used to run generators, lights, the telephone, and the telegraph. The invention of the internal combustion engine led to the development of

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When Latin American Economies were auctioned off to the highest bidders

When Latin American Economies were auctioned off to the highest bidders

Foreign investors, particularly from Great Britain, owned many of the new railroads, ranches, plantations, and mines in Latin America. Foreign banks financed large-scale commercial agriculture. Central governments allowed foreign capital to enter their countries without much regulation in the hope that foreigners would develop the economy by establishing new businesses there. However, investors usually sent

When Latin American Economies were auctioned off to the highest bidders Read More »

Familiarize yourself with con games people play to protect yourself as well as your business

Familiarize yourself with con games people play to protect yourself as well as your business

Telemarketing Fraud/telephone fraud/ mobile phone fraud The telephone has long been used by the criminals to make calls pretending to be a bank investigator, examiner or an employee of a bank or credit card company, now with advances in telephone technology, it is possible for criminals to make fraudulent calls or use Short message services

Familiarize yourself with con games people play to protect yourself as well as your business Read More »

What led to the tensions between Spain and the United States?

What led to the tensions between Spain and the United States?

In 1898 the United States became even more deeply involved in Latin American affairs. Its involvement grew out of disputes with Spain. The main cause of tension between Spain and the United States was Cuba, a Spanish colony in the Caribbean. For many years, Cubans had been unhappy under Spanish rule. Nationalists, such as the

What led to the tensions between Spain and the United States? Read More »

political struggles in building the Panama Canal

political struggles in building the Panama Canal

  In addition to governing its new and far-flung possessions, the United States suddenly had to prepare to defend them. An example of the problem of defense occurred during the Spanish-American War. Before the war, the American battleship Oregon had been stationed on the Pacific coast of the United States. When war became likely, the

political struggles in building the Panama Canal Read More »

The enormous challenges facing intellectual property laws in the developing world

The enormous challenges facing intellectual property laws in the developing world

  A number of people have resorted to infringing the works of others and reap where they have not sown, therefore the owner’s effort, time and expenses incurred go in vain. Piracy and hacking have encroached industries throughout the world. When you mention the term ‘pirate the first thing that comes to your mind is

The enormous challenges facing intellectual property laws in the developing world Read More »

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