
The family home is the place we curl ourselves for comfort, every person needs a place to call home. Owning a home is the one thing that restores human dignity. Homeless folks are always expressed to all kinds of dangerous that they may have every little to no control over


When will we finally have our robot Servants to attend to each and every of our personal needs?

When will we finally have our robot Servants to attend to each and every of our personal needs?

    During the industrial revolutions of the 1700s and 1800s some experts claimed that technology will soon take over everything, they truly believed everything would now be done by machines, such that humans will have little to nothing left to do with their own hands, they said unto themselves we will just sit back […]

When will we finally have our robot Servants to attend to each and every of our personal needs? Read More »

What is the Best Insecticide out there? – I keep Spraying over and over again. The Bugs won’t die.

What is the Best Insecticide out there? – I keep Spraying over and over again. The Bugs won’t die.

I have been spraying these roaches in my house for so many years that I am at the Point of almost giving up. When you Spray them, they die in multitudes, then you go to sleep soundly knowing that you have rid yourself of a plague, but a few weeks later you start seeing them

What is the Best Insecticide out there? – I keep Spraying over and over again. The Bugs won’t die. Read More »

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