
No country can run smoothly without s properly working legal system. It’s the laws of the land that bind the nation together and keep everything in harmony with one another. If there are no laws in a country then anarchy will rule the land , we have seen in countries experiencing civil wars or some kind of internal strife. This leads to a breakdown of law and order that is followed by total anarchy. Life therefore becomes miserable for everybody else


Too High Incarceration rates, have turned out to be more destructive to the society because most inmates never learn any lesson after serving time

Too High Incarceration rates, have turned out to be more destructive to the society because most inmates never learn any lesson after serving time

The great irony of prison systems is that Nearly all inmates never learn anything after serving their time in jail, in fact there are others who get out and do the exact same things they were doing before or even worse, has the prison systems failed, why are billions of taxpayers money being wasted on

Too High Incarceration rates, have turned out to be more destructive to the society because most inmates never learn any lesson after serving time Read More »

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