
Politics is a dirty game. We all know this catchy phrase, but people still go into politics to build a career despite this bad reputations they have for ruining peoples public image. The political arena is not a simple thing that someone can joke about despite their home grown career training, you need to be extravagant in your moves because the world is watching you and one single misstep could bring your downfall


When Mexico first faced extreme internal unrests

When Mexico first faced extreme internal unrests

The greatest upheaval in Latin America during the age of imperialism was the Mexican Revolution. For 35 years, one dictator, Porfirio Diaz, had dominated Mexico. He had permitted foreign companies to develop many of Mexico’s natural resources and had allowed major landowners to buy much of the country’s land from poor peasants. In 1910, when […]

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What kinds of governance did the Europeans impose on the Africans?

What kinds of governance did the Europeans impose on the Africans?

The European powers that established empires in Africa generally used one of two forms of government in their territories. France, Germany, Belgium, and Portugal practiced direct rule. Great Britain practiced indirect rule. Direct rule. In colonies with direct rule, the imperial power controlled all levels of government and appointed its own officials to govern the

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COVID 19 Conspiracies You Should Avoid at All Costs

COVID 19 Conspiracies You Should Avoid at All Costs

Disclaimer First and foremost, you should always check the WHO’s website in order to stay updated with the most recent news concerning the current Pandemic, The World Health Organization is the most authoritative site on the web to get information from. No matter where in the world you are currently residing, local government data releases

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African problems did not go away after Europeans gave away control of the continent

African problems did not go away after Europeans gave away control of the continent

  After gaining independence, the new nations of Africa still faced many serious problems. While specific geographical and historical factors made each nation’s problems unique, some common experiences also existed. Practically all the new nations struggled with economic difficulties. Ethnic tensions also racked some of the new countries. In addition, drought, disease, and the Cold

African problems did not go away after Europeans gave away control of the continent Read More »

Cold war adversaries used the African continent as their boxing ring

Cold war adversaries used the African continent as their boxing ring

  Superpower rivalry complicated the efforts of new African nations to achieve peace and stability. As these nations sought financial and technical assistance from both the Soviet Union and the United States, they often found themselves caught up in the Cold War.   Angola. When civil war broke out in Angola after independence in 1975,

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Central African Nations Continue to Suffer under the Curse of their Mineral Wealth

Central African Nations Continue to Suffer under the Curse of their Mineral Wealth

The Central African Nations of  CAR(Central African Republic), DRC(The Democratic Republic of Congo) and SSD (South Sudan) are Countries that have been embroiled in conflict for decades all because of the presence of natural resources, These Countries are rich in Gold, Diamonds, Timber, Oil, Gems, Metals Such as Cobalt, Iron, tin, copper, Zinc, Aluminum and

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Top Countries with disproportionate Gender Ratios in their Populations

Top Countries with disproportionate Gender Ratios in their Populations

  What are some of the countries with disproportionate ratios of men to women? We do expect that anywhere in the world, the proportions of males with females to be the usual fifty-fifty, well the average global ratio of women to men is fifty one percent, that means that women are slightly more than the

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First shots fired at twentieth century European war

First shots fired at twentieth century European war

Germany’s attack on France was launched across neutral Belgium. By September 1914, German troops had reached the Marne River near Paris. However, the French and British armies managed to hold the line, and Paris was saved. France’s success in the Battle of the Marne changed the entire nature of the war. Germany’s hope of swift

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When The world fought its first brutal mechanized warfare

When The world fought its first brutal mechanized warfare

Nationalists in Serbia, whose independence from the Ottoman Empire had been recognized by the Congress of Berlin in 1878, hoped to make their country the center of a large Slavic state. The Serbian nationalists especially wanted the provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina because Serbia was landlocked and these two provinces would provide an outlet on

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