
Politics is a dirty game. We all know this catchy phrase, but people still go into politics to build a career despite this bad reputations they have for ruining peoples public image. The political arena is not a simple thing that someone can joke about despite their home grown career training, you need to be extravagant in your moves because the world is watching you and one single misstep could bring your downfall


Ethnic colonialism on the rise, countries with the lowest birth rates feel most threatened by immigrants who have a culture of keeping large families.

Ethnic colonialism on the rise, countries with the lowest birth rates feel most threatened by immigrants who have a culture of keeping large families.

      Nations that are minimizing birth rates in their homeland slowly kill their native population and open themselves up for the world’s largest ethnic communities to penetrate. Man’s intellectual reasoning’s and thoughts are great, he decides that keeping a small family is the best thing for each citizens welfare and the nation as […]

Ethnic colonialism on the rise, countries with the lowest birth rates feel most threatened by immigrants who have a culture of keeping large families. Read More »

The plight of refugees, Migrants go through hell while seeking asylum in host countries

The plight of refugees, Migrants go through hell while seeking asylum in host countries

        Here is the plight of refugees that have found themselves to be living in a foreign country, a place that is thousands of miles away from their homeland, many people have waited for years for a visa, many have grown ill and died on the queuing bench, waiting for a residence,

The plight of refugees, Migrants go through hell while seeking asylum in host countries Read More »

Mediation is Key to long term peaceful coexistence between bitter rivals

Mediation is Key to long term peaceful coexistence between bitter rivals

  Two opposite teams have just been involved in a bitter argument. A fierce disagreement has just risen. You find yourself to be a leader of one side you are responsible for restoring peace and understanding between the two organizations, the other one you don’t own, is alleged of holding back what rightfully belongs to

Mediation is Key to long term peaceful coexistence between bitter rivals Read More »

The Migrant Crisis Across the Globe has exposed the vulnerability of many Powerful Nations

The Migrant Crisis Across the Globe has exposed the vulnerability of many Powerful Nations

The modern day migrant crisis has cast a new light on the Vulnerability of Nations, Problems in one Country can very easily spill over across the border and affect the residents of the neighboring countries, problems easily cross the fence and multiply on the other side of the border.   Having to take care of

The Migrant Crisis Across the Globe has exposed the vulnerability of many Powerful Nations Read More »

Every Country is soon going to plant their flag on the moon, the recent space race reveals terrible mistakes made by Neil Armstrong and his Apollo crew

Every Country is soon going to plant their flag on the moon, the recent space race reveals terrible mistakes made by Neil Armstrong and his Apollo crew

The recent space race has exposed the tragic mistakes that were made by Apollo astronauts more than fifty years ago. To be honest with you, I don’t think they should have been on the moon in the first place.   And that famous phrase after the lunar landings by Neil Armstrong, which says, “Its one

Every Country is soon going to plant their flag on the moon, the recent space race reveals terrible mistakes made by Neil Armstrong and his Apollo crew Read More »

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