Rocket Science

The entire Humanity held their breathe in the late sixties when they watched the first man to walk on the moon. Neil Armstrong will remain an icon in the eyes of many rocket scientists. Lunar explorations however started much earlier as early as nineteen twenties. American scientists were building and testing rockets in their home country


Why is the Scientific World Spending billions searching for life on other Planets when they could use that money to solve world problems?

Why is the Scientific World Spending billions searching for life on other Planets when they could use that money to solve world problems?

  Do you have any idea how much money is spent on space programs? Scientific explorations of other heavenly beings in the universe? It amounts to not just billions, but hundreds of billions of dollars worth of research and development a year. Humans are so fascinated about the possibility of presence of life on other […]

Why is the Scientific World Spending billions searching for life on other Planets when they could use that money to solve world problems? Read More »

The Search for life on other planets is wishful thinking that is futile & will lead to nowhere

The Search for life on other planets is wishful thinking that is futile & will lead to nowhere

  We should not overlook the possibility that life processes might have evolved in different ways on other planets. A functional genetic system, capable of accumulating and replicating changes and thus of adaptation and evolution, could theoretically evolve from molecules other than carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen in a different environment. Silicon, like carbon, needs

The Search for life on other planets is wishful thinking that is futile & will lead to nowhere Read More »

Mars Missions and other space travel programs are nothing but a hoax to entertain the masses, starting life on an alien planet is nothing but a mad man’s dream

Mars Missions and other space travel programs are nothing but a hoax to entertain the masses, starting life on an alien planet is nothing but a mad man’s dream

  I am often fascinated by the stories I hear in the media about people moving to mars in the next few years, crazy plans for colonizing it and making it the second earth, a place to live and to enjoy life. When you actually look into the matter seriously, the whole thing sounds too

Mars Missions and other space travel programs are nothing but a hoax to entertain the masses, starting life on an alien planet is nothing but a mad man’s dream Read More »

Every Country is soon going to plant their flag on the moon, the recent space race reveals terrible mistakes made by Neil Armstrong and his Apollo crew

Every Country is soon going to plant their flag on the moon, the recent space race reveals terrible mistakes made by Neil Armstrong and his Apollo crew

The recent space race has exposed the tragic mistakes that were made by Apollo astronauts more than fifty years ago. To be honest with you, I don’t think they should have been on the moon in the first place.   And that famous phrase after the lunar landings by Neil Armstrong, which says, “Its one

Every Country is soon going to plant their flag on the moon, the recent space race reveals terrible mistakes made by Neil Armstrong and his Apollo crew Read More »

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