
Media’s Sudden Spread.

Media business has gone into the hands of commoners, those not affiliated to any well-established media house, it has spread far and wide in only just a few years, anybody with a camera and an audio recorder can invest in in this information business, whoever’s fortunes may favor them to become a self-made newshound. There are more journalists in the world today than there has ever been in the last century. There at the marketplace a group of youngsters, once idlers dared to become self-made media personnel, they pick up their equipment and go out into the field in search of information, once they find it, all data is taken to their makeshift studio, where its thoroughly edited by enthusiasts, they are also able to find a loyal audience in their locality upon which they send their news briefings, latest stories, trends etc. the media is going back to the olden days when news briefings were passed across by word of mouth.

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