There are two categories of classes common in every school.
Class A. (Good Listeners)
Quiet and silent, no one dares speak unless spoken to. Every time you get into class there is a tense silence, they expect you to do the talking and they do the listening. Most believe interfering with a teachers/lecturer is an indiscipline case, immoral behavior and should be punished severely. They benefit most when you have equipped yourself with lots of stories and important pieces of advice to give.
CLASS B. (Interjectors)
Most are calm and obedient to orders but amongst them consists a group of fellows to whom a lesson can never end without taking part, they question, analyse, criticize instructions and assess its importance in their current work, they never stop asking questions if not at least contribute their part of the story to the topic of discussion, they never miss what to say no matter how awkward it may seem, they ensure its let out, they learn best when they are given a chance to express views.
This has been the old student master relationship that still exists. It says even if the student is brighter more knowledgeable and more experienced than their teacher, they must give them their due respect because for the time being they are still students and are under their guidance, they should correct their teacher only if is necessary and do it in a polite orderly way.