I once met an angry guy who was saying this to his wife, “you gave birth to thieves and robbers, you bore me criminals gangsters and harlots, how I regret raising such a family.” What led to these laments was because his son was being held in a juvenile detention center, and when he was asked to go get him, he refused but instead called the mother and told her, “your son has become a bandit, go get him at the detention headquarters, I would not continue to bear the humiliation I have faced and the way it has ruined my good name, those filthy maggots your womb produces I can’t stand them.”
But upon looking into things much deeper, I came to realize that this was the fellow who had failed to secure a job for many years, when he was forced to immigrate to a neighbouring country to seek fortune. Many more years passed as he lived there sending from very little to nearly nothing back home. Now he’s arrived and has not even spent a week, he starts receiving bad news of his children’s whereabouts.
When children of a given family become a public menace, it’s their mother that will get the most blame for not having raised them well, their father will get a few words of rebuke though but quickly left out of the question.